I really believe in everyone being individual and having to experiment to some extent in order to learn their own mechanics.
I think, after 18 months of the
Iodine protocol and 6 years of gym work and nutrition I have finally started to get a good baseline. I use mood as my ultimate predictor of how everything is working together.
And a good mood for me =
- 100mg of
Iodine per day from magnetised 5% lugols. I cycle it on a 5 days on, 2 days off basis.
- Vit C (9g) and 1/4 tbsp Borax daily without fail. This is where I notice the biggest difference in mood, skin tone and energy out of all the co supps. Magnesium is probably my next most important supp in terms of mood and energy.
- No added sugar.
- Plenty of fibrous vegetables and fibre from flax seed.
- Plenty of protein and fats with a buffer of carbohydrate depending on my current body composition and strength goals.
- Sleep - not too much nor too little. 11pm-7am seems to
- A cold waking body temp usually means I will not be in the best of moods and will be brain foggyish. I notice my body temp is better when all these other factors are working together.
- Lower anxiety the less time I spend on a PC and the more time I spend in the presence of people (kinda obvious).
- NO alcohol.
- 45 minute MAX workouts, mainly strength work with conditioning thrown in when I have the time. Not too much and plenty of recovery.
- When I drop 2% or so body fat (down to ~12-13%) I feel so much better too. Maybe to do with T:E balance?
I relate my low mood and energy to low T (no tests). But when I abstain and get everything else in check I am a low anxiety, humourous and energetic guy.
This is a journey and I still have a way to go. But I'm glad, that at 24, I am intelligent and educated enough to have gone down this path.