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Re: Quick message for new posters
gavster Views: 2,388
Published: 12 y
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Re: Quick message for new posters

What you are trying to say is that the HPA axis has been knocked out and needs to be restored before healing can occur.

This is why people get CFS, Adrenal fatigue, heavy metal poisoning and all sort of other things.

Your brain regulates your immune system , body defense against toxins and well practically everything.

Ways to restore the HPA axis include:


* Neurofeedback (In particular Alpha/Theta training)

* Trauma release exercises (TRE)

* Funneling ozone into the brain

* Therapy

* Antidepressants if the individual is not sensitive to them

* Gupta retraining program

* Yoga and breathing exercises

* Reiki

* Pellowah

And probably others I don't know about. There are many ways to skin a cat as they say.

I am getting excellent results with the Alpha/Theta training using the Neurofedback machine I own.



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