12 y
I see some new names around here so I want to present another way at viewing the situation than what is predominantly recommended here.
From what I gather, one of the main assumptions of posters here and the medical community is that the reason why we are having all these symptoms is that our bodies have "broken down." Some type of stressor pushed our bodies beyond the point that they can sustain and now we are faced with problems from our adrenals, guts, immune systems and so on. Our bodies no longer have the strength to balance itself out so the approach is to use medications, supplements, and diet to manually get back to equilibrium. Then I guess at that point the body will regain its strength and take it from there? Someone is going to have to help me out because I've never had a clear understanding of this view.
My belief is that our bodies are not malfunctioning but are in a frequent "fight or flight" state because that is what our subconscious minds are signalling to them. Doctors can't take measurements or MRI's of your mind. I feel that trying to balance yourself out is misguided and is an ineffective long term strategy as long as the mind is continuing to signal danger. You might feel better for awhile until you get triggered. Then you're basically starting over.
If you are going the medication, supplement, and diet route you are saying that you agree with the former view. Either that or you feel there isn't a better treatment option. Regardless, I'm trying to encourage you to consider focusing on the mind and its place in all of this.