Re: Severe eye twitch/constipation same time as starting parasite cleanse
Thanks so much Dave - you've given me a lot to think about - the ammonia link with liver , thyroid, adrenals, blood
Sugar out of whack etc.
Bowels today were very sandy light colour - just like the colour of pine wood. Thin in size too.
I agree the liver is taking a hit with this cleanse....the 'liver lines' on my face skin inbetween my eyes have become deeper again - just as they were getting fainter with
Liver Cleansing herbs...i had to go and start a
parasite cleanse.
Also my skin texture has got worse since this cleanse.
I think you might be onto something about the meridian link between liver and eyes.
This morning as soon as i woke my left eye was REALLY twitching - it was insane! My boyfriend could FINALLY see it. It felt like my eyeball was wobbling in the socket.
I was also thinking if there was a nerve in the intestines or liver which connects to the eyes causing a twitch when these areas are aggravated.
Later on during today the twitch has actually calmed down abit - happening every 10 mins or so instead of all the time.
Will the
parasite herbs reach
parasites in other areas like the liver etc?
Is this the point where i'll be getting into daily zapping? :-)
Thanks for your suggestions.