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Severe eye twitch/constipation same time as starting parasite cleanse
purplepixie Views: 13,034
Published: 12 y

Severe eye twitch/constipation same time as starting parasite cleanse

Hoping others here with more experience can help me out.

I've never done a parasite cleanse ever before in my life. I'm not on any medications - and for the past 10 years have not been.

So i thought i would do a parasite cleanse as my digestion has been all over the place my whole life...coupled with dodgy liver function.
Now i've got exhausted adrenals, hypothyroid issues, hypoglycemia i'm figuring i need to start at first base i.e digestion and liver health to help improve the other conditions. I currently feel like the nutritional supplements are not being utilised optimally with my gut and liver the way it is.

So 5 days ago i start on parasite cleanse with the usual Hulda herbs type mix.

Day 2 i started to get a vague twitch in my left eye only.
Day 3 - eye twitch becoming more regular
Day 4 - eye twitch occuring every minute
Day 5 (today) - eye twitch more pronounced and occuring all the time!

I'm not sure if it's the eyelid or the eyeball - it's a massive jolt sensation. I asked my boyfriend if he could see it - as i was sure it muse be visible - but he can't.

This has not been one of my symptoms. It only started since taking the antiparasite herbs.

I've been using Mag.chloride baths and Mag. oil topical application for a few months now so i doubt the twitch is due to a Mag deficiency.

Also my digestion has become dire. Since day 1 of the cleanse i have had constipation and hard compacted stools - with very small BM's - just 1 a day.

Day 2 and 3 no BM's at all so yesterday day 4 i did an enema, plain water to clear, followed by a coffee enema. I felt nauseous doing the clear water clearing enema. Could barely sit upright to release due to the nausea. The coffee enema was easier but i didn't feel 'clear, more energy' like i have before. All stools looked narrow, light-coloured, some mucous, no obvious parasites - but it did sure stink!

Today , again no BM's (but i rarely do the day after an enema - kinda try not to enema again as i don't want to have dependence)

I've been taking probiotics(mercola 8), to help digestion, drinking lemon water, dandelion tea, plain water.

EVERYTHING i eat bloats me up and i get gas/pain/movement/liver pain/small intestine pain.

I'm assuming that the parasite herbs have caused a reaction - whether it's good or not i don't know at all - Im hoping there's some parasites in there going haywire (feels like it) with being given herbals they've never had before!

What types of parasites cause eye twitches or even live in the eyes?

How can i improve movement of my bowels through this? - it feels like everything has stopped working.

I'm tempted to take some Oxypowder to break up whatever perhaps is blocking me - embrace the foggy brain/migraines and lethargy oxypower gives me i'm willing just to get stuff moving.

I've got some Bentonite soaking that i'm planning to have with some psyllium tomorrow - altho' in the distant past this constipated me - the recent past with only a TINY amount it went through me okay.

I have senna on hand but not sure if i should go down the strong laxative route yet.

Any advice would be really useful.



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