Re: Think twice
Always, always think twice. Especially when it comes to "tests" as they only mirror some of the truth, then comes the interpretation, from who; the women that was better from fibromyalgia, FBD. No?? The doctor?,lab?
Doing studies like this, on iodine, is great. Jumping into conclusions without understanding "why" is of no one`s benefit.
I dont have all answers,not even close,but I know that there is something lacking here; the understanding of vit D is far from completed yet. And iodine!
When it comes to boron; I am just saying; The French diet contain approx 36 mg daily.
Many are fiddling with 3-6 mg daily, afraid it is to much.
Magnesium; needed for 300 enzyme reactions, vit D is converted 3 times in the body, by enzymes; before it is functional.
And where the H was the control group in this study?