Re: Yeast infection
I never knew I had this until my brother showed me this site for completely different reasons. I just stumbled upon you guys posts and I certainly have this. I am always biting the lips and they hurt and bleed. I think the candida theory is very plausible because I feel like sometimes it's worse than others. I like your theory about the liver. It is more important than many of us give credit to (besides us that really like to drink, then we just think of it as an important drinkers muscle, lol). On a serious note, I am gluten free for 19 months but I was put on
Antibiotics for like 8 straight years for sinus infections (due to unknown gluten intolerance and resulting health mania) and I know I have suffered from candida too. I've started the
parasite cleanse because I think
Hulda Clark says start there, and then I'll go through the measures to get to bowel and then liver then kidney. I keep mixing up wether kidney or liver is first, but I think you are onto something with the liver. It can affect our skin, our nails, hair, pretty much everything. Drinking muscle is like it's least important job, really.
Hope you all get well. I just started coconut oil on face and I love it. Will start oil pulling this week. It's got to be healed inside out and a little boost from outside cant hurt. Coconut oil is some of the best chapstick i've ever had!
all the best