Yes I understand, as I told the responding Vunk, I also took many Antibiotics and remedies for Acne and throat. After acquiring EC ... I also tried some natural methods .... But I'm really confident about Pau D Arco ....Do a search about it ... I posted my post below on a site talking about it... I even dreamed about it haha ... (In which healing2021 did debauchery ) I think the Arc and the coconut oil together will work very well on my body ... another thing I forgot to mention to the answer Vulk about my story. I also nearly died in the hands of a doctor...Not in surgery, but wrong drugs he prescribed for me...I think the medicine of today is regressing more than progressing, our ancestors had far more wisdom than these doctors today .... always preached healing by natural means . ... is not for nothing that Japanese and Chinese still preach it and live for a long time .... and also his spirituality is very important to achieve the balance.. not say belief in miracle ... but in a belief in yourself that your body needs