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Re: dangers of vit d supplements explained.
chrisb1 Views: 1,492
Published: 13 y
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Re: dangers of vit d supplements explained.

Thank you for that response DrDavidson.

I am glad to hear that your wife had such a recovery under the Marshall Protocol. However, there could have had been other reasons for this other than those you have described.

The Marshall Protocol has been debunked by many health professionals, including one Professor Lappe with her cancer research, and the consensus of Medical opinion states that there is no known cause of sarcoidosis, other than "something" that causes the inflammation.

Mycoplasm, as I understand it, is a bacterial infection untouched by pharmaceutical Antibiotics , but the course of treatment I would have opted for, would have been a course of Colloidal Silver , which contains properties known to kill over 650 pathogens of both of a bacterial and viral nature, including the MRSA bug.

The second avenue I would have explored following this approach, would have been a complete water-only-fast (and before you scoff) this is known to those in the know to eliminate ALL toxemia, whilst simultaneously strengthening the immune system and normalizing the biochemistry of the body, and allowing a much greater healing response from the body itself. This is something that will probably be alien to your education and possible medical background? but has been around since the time of Hippocrates (Hippocratic Oath) who regularly used the practice in healing his patients.

Vitamin D regulation would then not be an issue as this would have been resolved.
There is also something very odd and strange about depriving the body of Vitamin D completely for a significant length of time, when we are designed by Nature to receive sunlight on our skin for the manufacture of Vitamin D and other sunlight benefits, as long as it is done judiciously in the same way we have a need for water; and of course the long term use of Benicar which can and does have serious side effects.

I recall how HRT therapy was touted and endorsed by Medicine, but was later proven to be detrimental to health, and how cholesterol has been touted as the villain in Heart disease, but has very little to do with it (although it does allow the marketing and use of pharmaceutical drugs) in profiteering.

I am sure that Trevor Marshall had good intentions in dealing with his sarcoidosis and recommending his protocol to others, and that it somehow worked in some cases, but for the vast majority of the time it actually proved to be a failure.

I am not in favour of quoting these people, but.............




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