Re: another red flag... (again, not from Trevor Marshall)
the link you have provided as further "evidence" of Vitamin D's immunosuppression...............
..............only supports my own view and not yours..............
"These results suggest that the inflammation triggered through TLR2 and TLR4 is important in the pathogenesis of BD. And it seems possible that vitamin D may be used as a therapeutic option by modulating TLR2 and TLR4 expression of monocytes in BD".
The conclusion clearly states that "Vitamin D may be used as a THERAPEUTIC OPTION", and not act as an immunosuppressive or in any way be detrimental to health, so you are only referencing evidence in support of my own argument.
The other link you have provided again only supports my own argument..........................
in that it states in conclusion.................
"This may have significant biological relevance and may be a factor in the association of (vitamin D deficiency) with susceptibility to autoimmune disease".
It seems you are lacking in any in-depth study or comprehension of the data that you and/or I have posted-on in previous encounters.
With reference to Big Pharmas agenda in pushing Vitamin D like a drug, could only happen if they produce an analog and profit from its use. This is of course how they make their money.
Vitamin D3 cannot be patented.
As for the Vitamin D Council producing nothing more than garbage, the
Science that they publish on their website is for the most part "independently conducted and researched" with no influence on their part. The Council only reports on these findings.
Further: Vitamin D3 or Cholecalciferol is not a drug but a nutrient.
A further analogy could be made with Ascorbate or Vitamin C:
dietary sources are only minimal, with a recommended daily allowance of only 75mg, but in Orthomolecular Medicine daily doses of up to 24,000mg have been used successfully in the cure of the so-called "incurable" Eisenmenger syndrome.
I also notice that The Peoples Chemist, Shane Ellison, has published an article entitled "The Vitamin D Scam", but when confronted with a reply outlining the supportive evidence, my post was censored with no response. All the while he touts and sells his own supplements from his website!!!
Your posts are countered John because they are erroneous, and do not conform to the overwhelming, supportive, and independent scientific evidence from the Scientific community.