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Re: Adrenal exhaustion but cannot take HC. What can I do???
onedaysoon Views: 5,524
Published: 13 y
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Re: Adrenal exhaustion but cannot take HC. What can I do???

I would strongly recommend going the nutritional balancing route. Take a look at Onward's post and Marie64's. They have both made a lot of progress from being very far down the road of adrenal fatigue.

I did the T3 thing a few years back and let me tell you..I wish I hadn't. Messing with your hormones like that can actually spin you further into adrenal fatigue. It will rev up your system even further and tax your adrenals. It can be quite dangerous.I had some pretty bad symptoms from taking that. And guess what? My hair analysis did show that my thyroid was slow. But I'm having better success fixing it slowly with nutrition and a few supplements.

I think the majority of us on NB would fail the adrenal tests you mentioned. But that doesn't mean your adrenals have failed entirely. I had days a year or so ago where all I could do was get dressed in the morning and I was exhausted. I have come a long ways from that and can handle so much more now on most days.

I would encourage you to find a good practitioner to work with and don't go it alone.

All the best to you!



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