I am no professional but I feel for you deeply. The truth is the HC maybe making your adrenals worse. Google it and you will soon discover why your adrenals are so bad. I don't think Dr. Lam's and Wilson's Adrenal protocol is too weak, it's just that they are not addressing the digestive issue brought on by the possible mineral imbalance. In the beginning, I had a bad case of adrenal fatigue, bacterial overgrowth and I was Mercury Toxic. But once I improved my digestion and eliminated the pathogens I feel great.
The natural approach is much better i.e. adrenal glandular. But be very careful in treating your endocrine system by natural means. Although, natural medicine works better because that is what our bodies are genetically predisposed for, during the initial healing stage, you may be in for some more adverse reactions. There are 4 reasons for this.
1) The continued Fight or Flight response you are experiencing may have completely destroyed your digestion. Doctors will tell you that people often have too much stomach acid, hence the burping and heartburn, however, the symptoms of low stomach also mirrors that of high. You've undergone so much stress that all your blood supply, needed for digestion, has been redirected to your muscles so you can survive under highly stressful situations. Digestion needs a rich blood supply in order to assimilate all the nutrients from your food. In addition, your pancreas has stopped producing digestive enzymes.
2) Get your self checked for candida overgrowth, SIBO(Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and parasites. The stress that continues to deplete your energy reserves has no doubt killed off all your friendly microflora(probiotics). This allows pathogens to take hold. Incidentally, probiotics also manufacture digestive enzymes
3) You may have a mineral imbalance. When stress occurs, the first mineral to go is zinc. Zinc is needed for making hundreds of enzymes, namely digestive enzymes and, most importantly, stomach acid. When Zinc gets low copper gets high. Zinc is also needed to make adrenal hormones. Now Copper is also known as the emotional mineral because too much can cause aggression and irritability and severe mood swings. It does this by overstimulating the adrenal glands, making them release norepinephrine, the most common neurotransmitter controlling the sympathetic or fight or flight response. Zinc, on the other hand, like magnesium is a calming mineral. When both these minerals work properly, zinc will help balance your hormones and copper is the prime catalyst for energy production in your body.
4) Heavy Metal Toxicity i.e Mercury poisoning
So before you even try natural medicine, experiment first and try to take HCL tablets, pancreatic enzymes and Full Spectrum Digestive enzymes first. Without adequate digestive juices, it does not matter if you are eating healthy and taking natural supplements. All that will be for nothing, as long as you cannot properly digest your food.
A word of advice: Don't be confused by your blood work results, especially for thyroid. It only measures thyroid hormone in the blood but ignores that found in tissues. Thyroid hormone controls nearly every cell in the body! So a blood test is not full proof. Also, modern medicine is growing increasingly indifferent to the patients needs. They are so obsessed with test results that unfortunately they forget to observe the patient's symptoms. In reality the patient always comes first.
Please disregard everything I've said if that has made you uncomfortable. I Honestly care for people like you that needlessly suffer.
Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year.