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Adrenal exhaustion but cannot take HC. What can I do???
  Views: 5,697
Published: 13 y

Adrenal exhaustion but cannot take HC. What can I do???

I was wondering if there are any treatment options for adrenal exhaustion other than hydrocortisone? I am terrified of the side effects.

I don't know what to do because according to several threads I've read, the protocols recommended by Dr Lam and Dr Wilson are not strong enough to treat the later stages of AF.

I have adrenal fatigue which I strongly suspect to be of the later stages (not yet tested properly but I do the pupil test, blood pressure test, daily and always fail them) in addition to Hashimoto's, hypothyroidism, estrogen dominance, and possibly the OTA axis imbalance thing. If this isn't treated promptly, the way my condition is deteriorating I am petrified that I will be dead within the year or rendered obese, in constant pain, and utterly immobile due to severe weakness. I know I sound like a drama queen, but I tend to overreact when in a heightened emotional state.

I am fast running out of money obtaining tests and going through GPs/PCPs and endocrinologists, none of whom seem willing to risk prescribing anything other than levothyorxine. With no guidance from any professional I have no option but to self medicate.

I have purchased some T3 medication (without an rx) from a recommended online drugstore. I am hoping the T3 circadian method will be enough.

I'm just so scared, lost and confused right now. I feel like a frightened child in the body of an octogenerian.


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