I also have chronic giardiasis - we have it it the city water supply. Did the coffee enema helped you? organic coffee?
I have also cholestasis (enlarged and lazy gallbladder)and enlarged liver. I've read giardia could sit very well in the gallbladder and also block the pancreas and liver?
What herbs were you using? I used goldenseal 7 days, mashed garlic, olive leaf ...stuff like that. some said it's ok to have also wheat germ togheter with garlic. but how long?
I just finalize another cleanse and passed out some of them pinwormsthis time. Some said there is a strain of probiotic that keeps giardia away from sticking to the gut linning - l.Johnsoni
Do you have a no Sugar less carbs diet?
Did you have results with zappers? do you mind to tell which brand and the protocol?