Oh Yes Dave,...you nailed it with this: "I have also cholestasis (enlarged and lazy gallbladder)and enlarged liver. I've read giardia could sit very well in the gallbladder and also block the pancreas and liver?".
WOW! Like seeing my last four years in reverse! I got all of those things,....and it blew out my gallbladder, (had to have it removed-nearly toxic shock blue organ),...in 2009. Then, within months my pancreas and liver were as bad off as my gallbladder HAD been! Within months, I had cancer in both organs, liver and pancreas! So,...YES,..this needs to be cleared up for you Dave!
I am on a no
Sugar diet,....mostly raw,...all veggies, very little fruit, some nuts, lots of seeds, sprouts, juicer going all the time. Beans and legumes for protein,.....very much the Gerson cancer idea,....without any meat or fish.
I take latero-Flora BOD strain probiotics, as well as Vitacosts two brands,....and digestive enzymes too. I use
Colloidal Silver to fight the infections that these nasties can leave in the wake!
I use cheap Grocery Outlet coffee for my 3 daily enemas,...yes, organic would be better, but I'm a poor girl! :-)
My zapper history is about 2 months now,....started with CTBusters.com- $35 cheapie,...(And I LOVE it!)
Then bought the Terminator for $110, from Amazon.com....and I find myself using the small one more! I use it during the coffee hours (3) CE's (Coffee enemas),....they make my common bile duct open right up,....and my sick liver is not sick and congested anymore!Dr.
Hulda Clark s advice is PERFECT and simple. 7 minutes on, then 20 off, for three cycles. Takes about 1.5 hours to do! THEN,...do an enema,....and see how right she was! Plus, take the zapper in with you, hold it to your kidneys,...WOW. I am getting well! :-) (Sorry this is TMI),....But like I said the other day on here,...this is ALL TMI! :-)
I also attend to my pH Dave! Baking soda-1-3 times a day,....1 tsp in a glass of distilled warm water,...everyday. These critters leave acid toxins in their wake also!
Sorry this is choppy,....I am slammed rushed! But,...I simply had to respond!
Cheers my friend! Go get 'em! :-)