So basically the candida keeps producing antigens to shut off our immune response eventually resulting in immune paralysis. This can just lead to a vicious cycle of bad symptoms or no reduction in symptoms because of the impaired immune response. Maybe this leads to an over reacting/highly sensitive immune response as well?--Maybe one of the reasons why some candida sufferers are so sensitive to odors/smells/yeast byproducts Etc...So maybe reactivating our immune response can help reduce some of the CRC related symptoms......
So you suggest candida antigen shots? or what are you suggesting?
I do know some people that took anti-biotics for a while and just developed a small intestinal bad bacterial overgrowth..Maybe the type of antibiotic that they were taking? Maybe certain anti-biotics are designed to wipe out certain strains of bacteria or certain anti-biotics wipe out the most essential bacteria that keep candida in check leading to a faster yeast infection.....Can be a lot of variables depending on what type of antibiotic they are taking.