Re: Poison Ivy
Interesting resonance there Zoe. I suffered from ivy sensitivity starting as a young kid. Late in my teens I had a case so bad - it was all over my face, up my nostrils, around my eyes, hands and arms. Making making matters worse, it spread to the tops of my feet that had just been 3rd-degree sunburned a few days before. I was a walking freekish oozing mess. This was over 25 years ago.... imagine where we all were and what the state of self-health treatment was back then... it was zilch for me, so of to the doc I went. Prescribed some sort of soak that dried the feet up real quick, and some steroid pills (take 1 day 1, 3 day 2, 5 day 3, on and on till day 10) that not only cleared up the rest quick, but I then went nearly 10 years before ever having so much as one teeny tiny spot of poison.... but it eventually and gradually crept back into my life :(
Just discovered RhusTox about 2 years ago but was not aware of the X factor - thanks!. Yep, between father and I, sometimes it seems we can get a rash just by it blowin in the wind, and on those windy fall days, it irritates me no end when some knuckleheads down the street decides they want to burn some brush, lawn scrapings, poison ivy, weeds, .......whatever their numb skull desires. Have heard tell of some people nearly dieing after getting it inside their lungs from such thoughtless actions. Dog is a source too. Funny thing about dog, most dogs like to sniff, few of us realize that taking a dog outside where there are so many odors that it's like a banquet for them and their noses, I can take him out to a massive large city park with miles and miles of lovely green and manicured short grass...... but the rascal always wants to head for the borders where all the good smells, tall and creeping weeds, and jaggy bushes are !