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Poison Ivy
Zoebess Views: 3,704
Published: 19 y
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Poison Ivy

I was one of those people who could walk through poison ivy barefoot and not get anything. Then a move to another area of the United States and it seemed, just looking at it brought on a breakout. More accurately however, dogs who run through the fields and get the oil on their fur give it to me. I became hypersensitive to it. So last year I noticed that one of our dogs was chowing down on poison ivy as it was first coming on. So that led me to research further and discover that there was a way I too could chow down on poison ivy, albeit, in minute doses and thus still achieve a lessened degree of sensitivity if not complete protection....

I found, Rhus Tox 6X 250T, a homeopathic preparation. I found mine at the Herbal Healer Academy but it seems to be lots of places online.

(blurb on homeopathy theory)

Homeopathy formulas work differently than herbal tinctures or herbal formulas. Homeopathy utilizes plants, minerals and animals. Homeopathic remedies are diluted and potentized which creates and energetic medicine. For instance a 6X potency is actually 1 part 1,000,000 of the original substance. This stimulates the body on an energetic level to heal. Even though this sounds hard to believe it is true. For instance, the use of Rhus Tox 6X (actual Poison Ivy) will cure a Poison Ivy outbreak. It can also be used as a prophylactic for prevention of Poison Ivy.
Another option...good to have on hand if you are sensitive. Ive started taking a couple of doses a day just to build up a *resonance*....




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