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chuckout17 Views: 3,638
Published: 19 y


Tomatos are a alkalinizing food when eaten according to Dandellions food chart. Why is it if I eat them, say 2 or 3 a day for about a week. Starting on the 3rd day during sleep i will develope am itch in the groin area.
4th day , quite severe itch, same place, but more aware in my sleep.
5 th day,Developes into a body itch as well. My sweat forms tiny little beads of sweat amd burns like acid. Lick it off my arms and it is very acicic.
If this is alkaline food, why the acid????
I have eaten tomatoes every day of my life( 57 yrs)up until approx 8 years ago and then instantly overnight whammo!! I later was told i developed an alergy to them. Allergy test.
An acidid tomato becomes Alkaline, Hmmm,
Any answers or is this another for my too hard basket!! Cheers, love this forum.


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