Re: Tomatos
What great answers everbody wrote in re Tomatos.And very good answers at that. Smart, intelligent and logical.
I had to laugh at Zoebess. Too hard basket ...gggg...rrrr. I just couldnt stop laughing. I can just imagine.
I learnt why the problem was some years later but never fully understood until I joined this absolute perfect way for health forum. We are litterally what we eat, Fullstop!!!.
I came to realize my problem was my Metabulizm. After all the years of enjoying the good life so to speak it caught up to me.I dont mean drinking or drugs or smoking. Just wrong food, wrong combinations,.. Sluggish bowel movements, Sluggish liver, so sluggish metabilizm.Stomach full of undigested food, belching , wind.
So then came the lower bowel balance to get the bowel moving and some .... out.Then the dewormer.
Then the liver cleanse. Once my liver started to work more efectively my problems started to disapear. Hey my tomato allergy of many years also dissapeared, my daily intense at times fatigue dissapeared. I become more alert, more alive. That is a big difference to what i used to feel. I am a self employed underground miner and have always worked hard but many a time I would litterally fall asleep driving the 20 miles back home. Many times i pulled over and did sleep.
So there you are . I guess we are a little different in our health issues but I beleive now that without a dought we are what we eat and the combinations of what we eat that does lead us down that road of good health or bad health. MH book 1 says it well. We are very lucky to have such a compasionate guy like him here. Many others as well have some very worthwhile points to make as well. If it wasnt for a question and then the many responses to the questions we on this forum we wouldnt be able to disect which we felt might be the answers applicable to ones health.The best part is that we can turn our health around and enjoy a better qualty of life.Like i said, Love this forum and read what all have to say most nights.