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Re: Sorry Anthony your diet dont work...
Anthony87 Views: 2,950
Published: 13 y
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Re: Sorry Anthony your diet dont work...

I assure you my frustration and revenge is against low carbing and the close mindedness that is keeping people very ill. I advocate starches and will only seriously blow up on high fat advice to newbies to the candida fight. My ideas are substantiated by diet ideas from dr. graham, Andreas Moritz , okinawa protocol, 80 10 10,

Carb cutting lead me to pork, beef, almonds and lead to a horrific, annoying fungal infection lasting for months. Awful digestive distress. huge bags under my eyes..loss of all muscle. I had to move in with my I reversed all of these things I mention. No infections..left home, back in shape. Am I scarred for life and do i take it too personal when someone says "Well, I´ve been on the candida diet for 3 weeks and have a bunch of escaping mucus, tremors, hot flashes, confusion, dizziness, when with the die off go away and when will I feel great from all of the oils im drinking?..."...maybe. I´ll tell the truth and flip out on anyone promoting the high fat plan and this and that antifungal while the person´s health deteriorates.


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