i tried it and seem like i was getting better(i was in denial) , but in the end all it did was made my digestion weaker, made me feel weak etc, im sorry but the body need fat,protein and carbs= energy, and the potato i think is one of the worse thing you can eat full of starch/night shades (cause all kinds of problems eating in excess).. i think you leading people to weaker digestion and they just might lower candida symptoms to a minim(where it seem gone until they eat regular) and down the line your body going to collapse unless you get some fat/protein = meat, and i also think going low sugar unhealthy also either.You have to find a balance, Eating a potato diet dangerous down the line, you probably never be able to digest regular foods if you continue this extreme way of eating... im eating a balance diet and i feel better more normal etc.. Candida diet and potato diet too extreme for good health.
Apologize for dissing anthony or anyone else i just been frustrated but his diet may work for some, it didn't work for me maybe the potatoes too high sugar, i guess it true what people say one shoe dont fit all...
Yeah Anthony i tried potatoes and greens for like one week and a half , i seem to get a little better , but then seem like my digestion got weak and i felt dizzy , i think maybe i needed some fat, or i maybe allegric to potatoes, because i used to be a big eater of potato chips / french fries .probably gave me candida and i start having joint pain. Im going to give the diet another go but probably with little bit of fat , maybe less potatoes, i may need to give it more than two weeks. Yo Anthony i again apologized for disrespecting you and taking my frustration at you because things didnt go my way , i can admit when im wrong, one thing i can say is the potato low fat diet is not no where near worse than Atkins and candida diet , which i have tried both with failure, one question Anthony since you been heal are you able to have two meals a day containing fat, and what about rice cakes??? they low fat..