he was saying up your carbs but to get your calorie needs and not starve / go too high on carbs he advise potatoes plenty of times, you may be one his followers in denial( like i was and wanted to believe in him), truth be told if he said a different carb his diet might just be a little better but even still its too low in fat/ protein= meat, you cant not exclude this and have good health .. potatoes is a dangerous food it cause diabetes if eating in excess, and a whole lot of allergic reactions(night shades).. Now i think anthony maybe some psycho crazy dude trying to make people more sick maybe he handi capp and want to get back at the world. he spoke without conviction and the too strongly about how his diet work and dissing everybody else diet, he probably not even doing the diet he claim(lets not talk about the fake looking pic) maybe im wrong but im not here to convince no one of nothing, im just telling my view , experience and whats just common sense..