i tried it and seem like i was getting better(i was in denial) , but in the end all it did was made my digestion weaker, made me feel weak etc, im sorry but the body need fat,protein and carbs= energy, and the potato i think is one of the worse thing you can eat full of starch/night shades (cause all kinds of problems eating in excess).. i think you leading people to weaker digestion and they just might lower candida symptoms to a minim(where it seem gone until they eat regular) and down the line your body going to collapse unless you get some fat/protein = meat, and i also think going low sugar unhealthy also either.You have to find a balance, Eating a potato diet dangerous down the line, you probably never be able to digest regular foods if you continue this extreme way of eating... im eating a balance diet and i feel better more normal etc.. Candida diet and potato diet too extreme for good health.