Pork Tapeworm
Hey everyone, I found this site after developing bad abdominal pain and movements that didn't go away after using fiber, probiotics and diet change. This site has really opened my eyes to my REAL disorder which started as anxiety a few years ago. Anyway, to get to the point, I suspect I have a pork tapeworm. It started after working with raw pork in my resturaunt and after trying many cleanses (wormwood,
Black-Walnut , clove; raw garlic; and no sugar.) the symptoms have gone from bad to worse. I havent been able to kill this thing and it has shifted into my bilary tract where I have pretty decent pain (3-4 on the pain threshold all day everyday.) and twitches movements thrashes in my muscles and even in my head. I suspect it has turned into full blown neurocycsterosis which leads me to believe I picked this thing up a few years before my resturaunt job when I lived in southern California among many illegal immigrants but im not sure if neurocycsterosis can devlop in a little over a year. Everytime I cleanse a week or so in I begin to "trip out" my brain feels like its expanding when Im trying sleep and I feel as if I'm on the verge of a seizure. Even during the day I have random pains throughout my head and strange stinging movements. I suspect this is from die off in the brain which I have heard can lead to death without proper doctor supervision and seroids. Anyway, as you know and as Ive figured out doctors don't deal with
parasites but instead diagnose anxiety (I have xanax now yaaay, it helps keep my mind off of this bullcrap but is just a band-aid solution and I find myself becoming more addicted).
Friday I'm going to try and get an MRI its expensive and my parents are kind of pissed(19 years old, and they of course believe the doctor.) but I know that I'm not crazy just smart enough to not ignorantly follow doctors failed protocols(I have done this for a year and they have all failed.) Any good ways of convincing my doctor to refer me to a neurologist for the procedure?
Thanks for all the help through this time in my life, you have all been informative and your strength has been an inspiration to stay strong through this as well. Why I decided to make an account and post this is to find out if there was anyone out there who has survived or dealt with the pork
Tapeworm and what the symptoms were when you had it. I know I will beat this as I am a very smart and have great willpower but some advice is very much appreciated.