Not sure why people skip by the most proven form..
First take CS with Juice (not Gatorade as per link) to help absorption.
If you haven't been taking CS this is nearly ineffective outside of the Blood Stream. It takes time to build up Silver that CS can plate off, one remedy is to use Silver sheets or REAL Colloidal purchased.
more: //
Second is to start a Blood Cleaner, all bugs need blood so stopping them there is easiest. The electricity works well with Silver in blood BTW. Something like a 'SOTA Silver Pulser' is best but here is a cheap Godzilla: //
Then a Large amount of Lugols to catch bugs that use the Stomach Lining to spread, ala Hulda Clark .
Lysine is a byproduct of normal cell function and together with Selenium is the first line of defense against viruses. So any viral infection will eat up the tiny amount of Lysine produced and always present HSV can go to town.