Could this iron and copper oxidation be due to the wrong forms put into our food and drinks?
We get the wrong copper from copper pipes and they use ferrite iron in all the enriched foods.
This is why men sometimes get hemachromatosis.
This may explain why they find high copper levels with cancer.
Just like the thyroid will take up iodine 131 when it really needs inorganic iodine.
This must also apply to all nutrients and similar false nutrients.
Normally, the reason we get the cold and flu is due to the angle of the sun being too far away for uvb rays for vitamin D.
Dr Blaylock advocates a super dose of D3 to know out the cold or flu.
A superdose is a once per day, 3 day only dose of D3.
It is 2,000 iu's per kg of body weight.
I have done this many times with many people and works every time, as long as they are not taking a steroid.