I came back all these months later to check up on people's new opinion on this sexless marriage topic. I agree with the poster below who said a sexless marriage is possible if the two are okay with it. I know 2 Virgos who are married - anyone who knows Virgos knows they are never horny. These people seem to lack sex drives at all but I suppose it's good then - they are meant for each other! P.S. I clicked on my link where I referred you to some vibes and see the link no longer works, my good deed of the day is to link to these things again. You're welcome ;)
Furthermore, it's very true that older couples have less sex. It's just not as fun a sit used to be. Go to Paris every year for 5 years it's wonderful. After 10 years it gets boring. It's just a fact of life and there is nothing we can really do - except spice things up with toys and lotions and warm baths together.