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Re: How does the mycelial (fungal) form of Candida reproduce?
candidasufferer555 Views: 5,732
Published: 13 y
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Re: How does the mycelial (fungal) form of Candida reproduce?

Hi Tony.
I've been reading a couple of your posts and I'm really happy for you. You seem to have recovered.

I myself I'm not sure what I should do next.

I've had systemic candida for 4 and 1/2 years now and I've tried antifungal herbs and now more recently, food based oxygen. I'm not so sure that the oxygen worked that much. I think it has helped me a little (especially in the beginning I felt). But it also gave me a lot of die off. Even now when I'm not taking any antifungals I experience a lot die off and I'm always experiencing toxic overload. But I have to say that now that I'm not taking any antifungals I do feel a little better. And also I find that the things that has helped me the most has been things that has helped me detoxify my system like: being active, taking lots of showers, getting a lot of daylight, trying really hard not to upset my leaky gut, waking up and sleeping early, sleeping 9-10 h a night etc.

Do you think I should continue taking antifungals again? Or should I concentrate on rebuilding my flora now?

And if I decide to take antifungals again, should I continue with food based oxygen or try prescription antifungals?

I kind of had the idea to get a variety of different antifungals (5?) and use a different one every day. But they scare me a bit. You can't use them for longer than 6 months since they can harm your liver and your immune system. And my liver is already in such a bad shape.

What do you shink I should do?


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