Yeah, I think immunopro is a good product. If the bile salts give you dio, then you may not need them. Although I'm not sure what you mean by too fast. It's possible that they are stimulating too much bile flow. You're talking about bile salts, and not bile acids, correct?
Bile salts are also used as a laxative. But they only had that effect on me the first couple of times.
So you've still got that ammonia smell? IMO that means you still have putrefaction dysbiosis. My guess is that you have an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria that like to putrefy meat. And it still points to a possible problem with bile. Sometimes the bile becomes toxic and can't form micelles which are needed to transfer fat to the lymph. Try googling "toxic bile." The only way I know to correct this is to reduce the fungal and bacterial toxins getting into the lymph and bloodstream.
I got over my malabsorption problem by stopping or severely cutting back my intake of meat. I wasn't properly absorbing the protein in my food. Secondly, I tried not to eat fat and protein together. When bile is insufficient or not working properly, it allows fat to surround the protein and render it indigestible. The protein then gets to the bacteria, probably in the distal small bowel and ileum where they ferment it. It's a pretty toxic situation. It could be happening in the colon as well, but since you can smell it, I'm thinking distal small bowel. The toxins then get into the lymph and bloodstream, and ultimately, the skin.
The third thing I did was start taking Whey Protein (designer whey) separately, first thing in the morning, an hour before eating, to ensure I get a good dose of protein every day. Is that how you take your immunopro? I did a round of Seacure as well, but the volume of protein wasn't enough to make a noticeable difference for me. I can see how that an the immunopro together might be a strong combo.
Finally, I took a lot of Butyraid which helps improve the condition of the mucosa by feeding goblet cells which excrete mucin. This is complementary to the protein, and I think it played a role in normalizing absorption as well. It was also what triggered the return of my flora.
I think you should try taking the HCL before the meal, as well as the enzymes. Most directions say to take enzymes after meals, but I get better results when I take them just before eating. I've tried splitting the dose of enzymes and taking some before and some after, and that worked well.
Also, if you want to try bile salts again, try taking them ten minutes after eating. That's how I got the best effect.
This was all in addition to a basic vitamin/mineral regimen high in antioxidants and omega 3,6,7,9 oils.