Re: To past CAHILL E HISTOLYTICA patients, could you please give me your thoughts?
Sorry that it took some time for me to reply and thanks for the heartburn tips (this problem has already been solved naturally). Anyway, how are you feeling at the moment, better I hope?
Here is the situation now, 3,5 months after EH medication:
I got the results back from two different sets of stools (3 samples each) + E. Histolytica antigen from stool sample and they all came back negative. It seems that I don't have it anymore. My stools are also formed now and bowel movements are regular (once a day), and this would demonstrate that EH is gone.
I also went for this bio resonance analysis which has been mentioned on this site and it said that EH is gone. I however have
Ascaris + some other worms and
parasites that cause inflammation in my body, nothing in my body works properly according to the machine. Needless to say, I feel like crap, I have also had flu for the past two weeks, it just won't go away, I feel very weak.
I had this medication against the
Ascaris and I am now on
Hulda Clark 's
parasite cleanse protocol day three. I also read that I should take ornithine for cleansing the ammonia of my body, maybe this could help how I feel.
I don't know if I had these worms when I had Histolytica or if I have gotten them after medication. It seems that after medication the body is too weak to fight against the
parasites and germs that we might get. So I think taking antiparasitic herbs after medication is wise, I did not do this and this is where it got me.