Re: To past CAHILL E HISTOLYTICA patients, could you please give me your thoughts?
Hi Jazzydude and everyone else,
I am not a Cahill patient but I will post here anyway. I have had Entamoeba Histolytica for 6,5 years and took the first medication to evict it 3 months ago. I am not sure if the medication worked since for the past few weeks some of the symptoms have been worse than before medication. I know that some of the old symptoms may come back even months after the treatment because the colon is so damaged and I am wishing my symptoms would be it.
Can you tell me of your symptoms during your recovery phase, did you have trouble with your stomach and/or other symptoms and ended up being cured anyway or are you at the same situation as I am now, wondering if this is normal?
My situation 3 months after medication:
My main worries are my stools and bowel movements. My bowel movements alternate between constipation and no stools for a couple of days and too active bowel functioning even 5 times a day (this happened today, and the stools were formed except in the morning). My stools are either hard and formed or soft formed. My acid trouble is worse than before medication, I feel like the bowel movements are slower than before medication and that I have more gas and gas related twinching (I sort of feel my stomach movements too well and this kept me up almost all night last night),and I now have a new symtom (anal itching, which I hope is candida and not EH). Am I hoping too much to be recovered?