Re: Brands and Types of CS
The first testimonial on the link below states a cure for Hep C. That's what I would be doing. Along with taking proper companion nutrients like Vit C and Selenomethionine and a few others. This decreases the odds of skin discoloration.
You should also take probiotics and alkalize, your system by
juicing dark leafy greens with 1 lemon, 1 apple, 3-4 carrots, 3-4 cellery, 1 cucumber 2-4
inches of ginger root and 1 small habenaro pepper. Daily do this with a masticating juicer like a Omega 8004.
I bet your problems will be over if you follow this advise.
You might start with low amounts as the bad organisms will die off causing symptoms.
Your silver maker is just fine in my opinion. EIS silver is great and stays high quality for years as the particles are positively charged and repel each other. Even if all the particles aren't the smallest they will be broken down from the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Just drink 8
ounces at least per day.