PS - Do you think mercury toxicity would mean I should avoid CS? I'm hoping my double problems will not mean that I won't be able to get better with CS. I don't seem to have the ability to hold onto much magnesium because of Hg toxicity. Cutler PhD warns Hg people not to take CS, but some Hg people seem to think it will help us more than harm us.
Do you think this is sales hype? They are claiming that Mesosilver will normalize ALT and AST in people with Hep C, but Mesosilver is expensive.
If I could do this, it may do me a world of good. I don't have the fatigue that most of them claim to have had before taking CS, but I have elevated ALT and AST [about 100 and 190]. The Cutler PhD people claim that my elevated ALT and AST are due to Hg toxicity but so far chelating has seemed to aggravate my liver more than help it. I'm wondering if the elevated AST and ALT are more to do with the Hep C virii and my chronic GI bacterial infection. I'm wondering if CS might clear this up better than it's been in decades. Some insight into this would be greatly appreciated.