Re: soapy taste
"I still have inflamed colon, small intestine problems and gall bladder stasis, unaffected by diet, and not having any success with these issues or just limited success. The ONLY good thing about having these chronic issues is that I know what doesn't work since I've tried a godawful lot of things."
You need to immediately eliminate ALL bread, anything made with grains, oatmeal, man made oils & sugars and focus on the Healthy Paleo Diet.
Read this website carefully and also order his book, Dr. Davis is a cardiologist and knows what he is talking about.
When you quit all grains, you will get withdrawal symptoms of headache & feeling lousy for a few weeks. Grains are very addictive. The grains are creating celiac disease in your gut. This means that your poo leaks into your bloodstream causing a cascade of health problems. This is why your immune system is attacking your intestines. ALL inflammation is caused by immune system response to some unhealthy condition.
"Healthy Whole Grains" is simply mass marketing propaganda to get us to eat that crap.
For more on the Paleo Diet, visit this site:
Note to T2T,
Grains are THE major cause for plaque in the arteries, unhealthy cholesterol and heart disease. Read Dr. Davis book, Wheat Belly to see why.
This video just came out: Interview with Dr. Davs:
Don't eat ANYTHING made from grains, oatmeal, etc in order to preserve your good health. We evolved over millions of years to eat a Paleo Diet. This means meat, fish, veggies, fruits, natural oils & nuts. We should be eating the same foods that hunter-gatherers ate.
See these videos for more:
The true miracle of eating natural foods:
Dr. Kresser reveals the truth about the lying drug companies.
I've got more, but this is enough for now.
Hope this helps,