Not for me I am a I had one Dr have me count how many times I pee in a day (A few years back) and it was atleast 21 times. When my sodium is in check I don't have to pee that much, I might go 7 times in a day. Plus when I am going to bed and my legs and arms are restless that is a big sign for me with the sodium being low. One night last week I was asleep for about 1 hour and I woke to trashing the bed arms whaling, legs going and body(I sort of got freak, I thought I may have had a seizure) but I decided to take some salt that night and I went back to bed and slept calmly. Then it happened again not as severe and I got up took the salt and back to a calm nights sleep. So I started to take the salt the past five nights and every night I slept calmly and no feeling of my arms or legs wanting to take off.
I don't say that it will work for all, I just know what I am experiencing.