Re: This constant stomach burning...
These are just guesses but it seems at least pretty certain that whatever gastric juices you are producing is too acidic, you can get this tested if you like but it seems from your symptoms that you already know this. At any rate doctors will not be able to cure this, they will only be able to repress the symptoms with drugs and this is not the way to go in my opinion. "Why would your stomach acid be overly acidic", again I would just be guessing at possible reasons, but obviously your body is no longer able to maintain the proper ph levels in your stomach. Probably for a long time your body was just barely getting by and taking minerals (such as calcium) from elsewhere to try to balance your levels. Somehow your
Antibiotic treatment pushed everything over the edge and your body just couldn't handle keeping things in check anymore. Your body's goal is to always keep you as healthy as possible and it does a great job of healing and rebalancing when you give it half a chance. Buying a juicer is a great investment.
juicing tons of green veggies is always going to increase your overall health. You have to keep your intestines moving. Most people are constipated for their entire lives and they never realize it. Having a bowel movement every day is not a sign of proper digestive health. Having 2-3 soft bowel movements a day with NO EFFORT (that is the key, no pushing etc.) little gas and very little wiping with toilet paper means that you have a proper functioning system of elimination. Count the amount of years that you have not had proper elimination for most since they were very young, 4 or 5 years and that is how long you have actually been getting sicker and sicker but somehow your miraculous body was still able to keep you somewhat healthy.