Thank you for this post! I am 5 weeks into a nutritional balancing protocol with Dr. Wilson. I am actually a nutritionist studying under Dr. Wilson to master NB because of its profound capacity to heal.
I have done a lot of energy medicine both for myself and I am a therapist as well - which means every time I work with a client - I benefit & heal a little as well - a beautiful side-effect.
Just after 2 weeks of starting the protocol COMPLETELY (the diet, heat lamp saunas, enemas & multiple supplements) - - a few of my greatest annoying traits that I have worked on with EFT, PSTEC and ZPOINT - - disappeared - - nothing short of a miracle.
My mentor assures me more is to come but it is utterly fascinating to me to experience what I am experiencing and to KNOW - my issues were due to nutritional deficiencies & toxins and imbalanced body chemistry. I cannot praise Nutritional Balancing enough!