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Why God won't heal amputees
Malodorsyndrome Views: 2,234
Published: 13 y

Why God won't heal amputees

I know that a lot of us have often times prayed to God for healing, for years on end. Yet, our prayers to be healed have seemingly fallen on deaf ears. I've come to the conclusion that God can, he will, and even if he doesn't heal, He's still God. He owes us absolutely nothing. He's not a cosmic bell hop, vending machine, genie, or a concierge. He's God.

Life isn't perfect. I think it's safe to say that a good majority of people, are dealing with something or things in their lives that is undesirable. That's just the life is. I'm not saying that prayer is useless. I'm saying that God doesn't owe us anything. Sure God heals. Sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes it's "not now. Wait." Other times when you pray He answers right away.



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