I just had a glucose hydrogen breath test on Friday. They told me that my base count was very high (even though I was super strict on my fasting as well as stopped all my probiotics/meds/Miralax etc for 2 weeks before the test). They had me use mouth wash and try again and it was still high.. We still did the test. The nurse told me that it did peak some after drinking the glucose but that since my base was so high she wants me to wait until I talk to the doctor (lucky for me he is on vacation somewhere for 3 weeks!! UGH).... has this happened to anyone else that had this test done. I think the high base is due to my tortuous colon and one doctor told me they think I have colonic inertia. I actually asked the doctors to do this test on me because I have seen 7 doctors/surgeons and have had 13 other tests done and still no diagnosis. I started to read the Body Ecology Diet and started to research bacteria overgrowth and started to eliminate foods from my diet (sugars/gluten/white flour) and have been noticing a change.