Re: Anyone experience something similar?
been through this salt fear. I can only say that I have no water retention what so ever, doing loads of salt for four years.
A case of mine avoided salt as if it was the devil himself. After my advice she started salting. Problem was the brain fog she had, my advice of 1 teaspoon per liter became 1 tablespoon.
After 3 weeks she called me, something was wrong as her wedding ring fell off...
My mother, the same, thought salt was toxic. Started salt very slowly, wasnt sure to believe me or not. She happened in ER due to a severe accident (not
Iodine related)
-only thing they found out in tests, as she kept passing out, was that her natrium levels (sodium,salt) was way to low. Even if taking the salt for a couple of years. She is now addicted to it, looking good, doing well.
First thing they do at ER is to salt you, potassiummy you, watercure you. It is a damn good reason for it.