Re: ***Did Juicing or juice fasting help your Illness or disease?***
Not really, I had my
root canal in 2003, I redid the
root canal in 2010 I believe. But my symptoms stared in mid 2011. So I didn't think the
root canal was the culprit.
I never ate fruits and vegetables growing up. Throughout my teen years and college years I was eating a high protein diet. Mainly whey protein shakes and meat for dinner.
I always exercised so I thought I was healthy.
It wasn't until about 2 years ago my skin started getting real dry....I thought it was fungus type thing but no medicine helped.
A saw two dentist and they both pointed out unusual erosion on my teeth. I thought I didn't have GERD so what could it be? Maybe acidic foods? But I didn't eat any fruits? I consumed lots of diet soda though.
A year later, I had this odd pressure in my chest, then my throat became tight, I was burping a lot, my mouth had a sour taste, then my tongue started hurting like a burning feeling and my stomach had a burning feeling, and it remained that way ever since.
Since on the juice fast, my skin is smoother though. I do notice that but my other symptoms did not even get touched. Once I see a little improvement...that's all I need, then I'll head into this fast full force like 30 to 60 days even if I drop to 120lbs....well that's kinda extreme but I hope not.
I do notice I'm losing weight much slower than most.
I'm about 5'7 started fasting at 148lbs. 9 days later I'm about 144. So only 4
lbs. I don't care to lose any weight but I noticed my strength when I exercise didn't go down....that's odd cause I'm not even taking in any real food only juice.
Thanks for your support. It means a lot. I will keep you posted.
Have you juice fasted before and seen any health benefits from it?