I am back, psoriasis update with water fasting
I have been away for along time. I am still struggling with my underweight and psoriasis. after each
Water Fast my skin clears up very good.
gaining weight is a problem. it seems that even fruit makes my
Psoriasis worse. In the last 4 weeks i have been on a maybe extreme diet, only vegetables, raw, soup or steamed.
it seems this is the only way to keep my
Psoriasis under control without getting worse. but the problem is iam so skinny and not gaining weight there is no room to do another water fast.
i can only do short fast up to 5 day's and then i get......below 47 kilo's and that is really skinny, i am 171cm.
My struggle is not doing the
Water Fast but gaining. I remember on my first
Water Fast i also saw allot of stones in the stool. I did 10 day's. but that's impossible to do now.
My damn weight is really a problem, it could solve so many problems in my life!!
I have a picture of what's coming out me when i do a water fast. Imagine these bowel movements happening 4-5 times when i start eating after a fast.