Hi there, thanks. yes have consulted with many naturopaths and nutritionists etc. I have quite a few good friends who are practitioners. I would be one myself already if I didnt have these problems. Most of them don't even know what to do for me any more as I've tried nearly everything.
I can't take any herbs beacuse im so sick and allergic to things that I cant tolerate salycilates, amines etc. Natural food chemicals. When I was doing alot of herbal remedies, they did help some, but my asthma and allergies were MUCH worse. All herbal remedies are very high in salycilates, hence I can't use them at the moment.
I have taken digestive enzymes for a long time. Dont do alot for me really. Yes I have to take cortisone to live, or at least isocort. I use an insulin pump to deliver solu-cortef.