Juicing organic vegetables and fruits is very cleansing and healing in general, but if you use beets and dandelion greens - for example - you can target the liver more specifically, and it's a more gentle way of cleansing because the fresh veggies/fruits provide the live enzymes and nutrients to nourish your entire body and carry the toxins out. There are lots of free recipes online, just do a search for "juicing for liver cleansing". As soon as I can get a juicer I'm going to do a juice fast of several days because my own liver needs help and I'm scared of the oil liver flushes. I do wish you had been specific about what you used for detoxing that made you weak. And out of curiosity, did you ever do a parasite cleanse? Some people think
Another question for you is: have you tried castor oil packs? Although they're not a quick fix as you must persist sometimes, I do find them helpful. You can read about them here, there are also helpful videos on Youtube.com.