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Re: Lugol's Iodine and Increase in Eye Pressure (Glaucoma)
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Published: 13 y
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Re: Lugol's Iodine and Increase in Eye Pressure (Glaucoma)

In using iodine. you aren't using too much as much as you aren't doing any prodicals that help the pathways during detox. The symptoms you have are because it is working. just quickly. you need B2, B3, magnesium citrate, potassium citrate, selenium, D, these are mentioned in brownsteins' book and earth clinic has much written about Iodine usage in therapeutic doses ( which are 12.5 mg up to 100 mg depending on the person). it would be to your advantage to read up some more on this so you don't have these detox symptoms. My daughter and I are severely deficient in iodine, and have Hoshimoto's w/ other problems, we are on 100 mgs a day with no symptoms, we are taking the appropriate vit/min to help the detox. I hope this helps you on your journey to health.


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