Re: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
you are caught in the hysteria, too, I see. Just commenting because it is so destructive. The neurotic, absurd worry about "malnutrition" by compulsive overeaters in a society of abundance is purely a mask for food addiction, and an enormous obstacle to fasting, which some tragically never overcome. THIS is the REAL danger -- not learning fasting when fasting is urgently needed.
Let's help each other get over our fears of fasting, not contribute to them. There are so many blocks to fasting that on a support forum we crucially need to talk about the good experiences of it, all its ins and out and wonders, and encourage a fasting way of life, create a new culture.
Psychological factors in fasting support are extremely important and for some are the most important. So on a fasting forum it is necessary to pay attention to them.
My point is that it is truly harmful, in a context where people need to be encouraged to stop killing themselves with overeating, to bring up malnutrition fear. "Malnutrition" is almost a myth, for people in our situation.
You can probably find a study that in some misinterpreted way supports whatever you want, and to do this is to contribute to destructive fears. I need to speak out about the very real, actual, physical need for freedom from fear and for concentrating on the positivity of fasting. This is probably even more important than physical nutrients.
Many yogis have learned to live entirely without food, which, if you think about it, is a highly ethical way of life and probably humanity's best option if people can learn to do it. Wars will probably be fought over food. Probably this is already happening. The earth can only hold so many people. Fasting and these breatharian yogis teach us, by contrast, that the physical body is resourceful, flexible, and strong.
Let's focus on our power, not on the infinite list of possible dangers to us. Let's especially not waste time on inappropriate fears. I believe that "malnutrition"/"starvation mode" are just that -- inappropriate fears for people who voluntarily seek out a fasting forum. These are concepts that simply have no place here and that are terribly destructive and prevent people from learning fasting and achieving health.
A fasting forum is a place for support and for respecting a person's intentions to fast. Not for discouragement. But not only this. To bring up "malnutrition" is to threaten the health and life of a person who really needs to fast.
I have read your comments for a while on this forum and they do sometimes get into the malnutrition fear. I know you also care and are not totally absorbed in the fear, but too often a sensitive food-addicted person would be intimidated by your ideations. This should be paid attention to. You do HARM by issuing these "warnings." Nobody is a guru, and that means you, too. If you want to use the respect and authority you have garnered here on this forum, use it for the good and encourage people to fast and respect their fasting -- quit the fears. These fears of malnutrition are truly irrational and are the product of a food-obsessed, food-addicted culture. Possibly your FEAR of malnutrition could be physically powerful enough in some way to lead you or others INTO physiological harm.
It seems to me the more ideal attitude on a fasting forum is one that leads one to talk about actual fasting experiences, and their many and wonderful benefits. We have enough resistance from the outside world. We are here to learn fasting.
It is best to ASSUME that people on the forum -- whom you are NOT responsible for, and who are MISTAKEN if they take the words of any one forum member -- even a moderator -- as gospel (everybody knows food and eating are a terribly inexact
Science -- if we knew what it was all about, would we have a global obesity epidemic?) -- it is in fact the ONLY constructive attitude to have, to ASSUME that people on a fasting forum have a balanced attitude toward fasting. Start from a positive assumption. Again, stay out of the talk about "malnutrition."
The only REAL malnutrition of which anyone here is in danger is an emotional malnutrition -- a state of spiritual deprivation due to being afflicted with fear of "starvation mode." This is a kind of self-gratification with fear and prevents people from getting into fasting the way they need to. Stop the "fear p 0 r n." I actually don't think you are extremely guilty of this; but you also need to know you are not in charge of anyone here. You are an amateur, and you google stuff. Even if you were qualified, in some official way, every human being is responsible for him- or herself. And a forum is NOT a doctor's office. Everybody knows this. Nobody here has, or ever can, put his or her life in your or anybody else's hands. It is positively PHYSICALLY unhealthy for EVERYONE, to get into the fear of starvation or things going wrong, and start discouraging people. It is PHYSICALLY dangerous for you to slide into thinking you have a responsibility for others which you DO NOT, because that then spurs them to start putting you in that role.
Finally: codependence is one of the many psychological traits of the typical food addict. Fasting is probably the only real therapy for food addiction. When you start discouraging impressionable, codependent people who need to fast , from fasting, you do terrible harm. You stifle them and keep them down in a way of life in which they are slowly or quickly killing themselves. People die of food overeating binges every day. Start to pay attention to your words and to your chosen focus. It's a lot more important on a physical level than nutrients, for people in our first-world, abundant situation. Keep it a fasting SUPPORT forum.