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Re: Probiotics - gluten and candida, and mercury
princeofsin Views: 4,362
Published: 13 y
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Re: Probiotics - gluten and candida, and mercury

You want to remove the candida first before you start taking the probiotics. First you want to eat lots of leafy greens veg's and avoid the following:

1. Avoid all junk foods (white sugar, white flour, soft (soda) drinks)
2. Avoid all sugars (even fruits)
3. Avoid all grains ( Barley, Corn, Millet, Oats, Rice, Wheat)

I would also recommend for you to go to your local health food store and buy the following items:

1. Get a bottle of RAW apple cider vinegar and take 2 Tbs in the morning and 2 before you go to sleep.(What you need to get is Bragg's apple cider vinegar not regular store bought vinegar.)
2. For the first 7 days you will only eat RAW leafy green vegetables and other RAW vegetables. If you don't like to eat vegetables than juice them. You can find tons of recipes online. Do this every time you get hungry.
3. Get probiotics. I would suggest Garden of Life Raw Probiotics. Their main function is to provide balance for less-desirable organisms (such as yeast)
4. Eat lots of leafy green vegetables whenever you are hungry.

Also check out
to get a better understanding about candida and what you need to do to expunge it


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