Re: crystal quarts and frequency generators
Thanks for your calm response.
It shows that you are open minded but you still have a crictical mind.
You must beware of what you read on the web and on forums, there are many persons who just spread false information (i mean not proven by facts or measures).
if you can explain briefly why the well-established method of making orgonite today might be faulty, it would be great.
I will create a post later with more details because i still study this subject and i have one more book to read by Wilhelm Reich himself.
Also an interesting device to study is the Mesmer Baquet, probably not known by english people because it was in France but Franz Mesmer has expressed a theory similar to orgone energy and he has maybe built the first orgone accumulator device.
What i have understood (but not verified by facts) so far is that orgone energy is attracted or repulsed depending on a combination of specific materials, on the environment, on the weather.
By using an orgone accumulator you can attract orgone energy and allow a material or an organism to increase its charge.
This orgone energy has been reported to optimise the functionning of the organism and accelerate its elimination, its healing, its growth. Wilhelm Reich explained that bad experiences in one's life tend to suppress the expression of emotions and of actions toward others organisms, in order to avoid painfull experiences (a mental damage or a physical damage)
This behavior tends to make the organism blocked in some parts of the body and consequently to make the circulation of "life energy" (orgone) difficult. (similar to the accupuncture theory)
According to Reich the triggering of a powerfull emotion was a way to discharge the body from one energy and to allow to recharge the body with another energy. Probably DOR and POR.
But depending on the materials, on the environment, on the weather, the orgone energy may be benefitial (POR) or damageful (DOR).
The orgonite, as i understand it, is a device where a quartz or a crystal is added to the mix and the combination of resin + the metal shavings + the quartz is supposed to emit orgone energy or to transmute harmfull EMR in beneficial EMR.
That's what i have read but i have not seen one fact that this is true. The orgonite distributors have made a fortune by selling their good looking devices even if there is no fact to demonstrate that it produces a beneficial effect (or a negative effect, or no effect...).
As you can see in the post i have linked previously, the persons who have read the work of Reich say orgonite is a scam.
I myself don't know what to believe but i have not experienced any "energy" effect with an orgonite pyramid or with the T2 or T3.
Don Croft says that his wife has the ability to see others energies and the effects or orgonite. Maybe, this is in theory possible but this is a weak argument...
On the Rife forum, Newport tells others what to think and how to act but never give details of why we should do so.
That's why i don't like this behavior. I'm all for new techs but i don't like dogmas.
I hope that by trying to really understand the beahvior of orgone energy (called bions particles) we can create more efficient devices.