Re: crystal quarts and frequency generators
Only a few people here use quartz crystals for transmitting frequencies. Most people use a freqs generator as a contact device or as a combo with plasma or scalar device SC-1A.
Re: the Doctrine, as how I understand it, it is just the name Newport came up with to associate your intent when trying to reestablish the lost connection between yourself and your guides. Again the word "guides" has been used by Newport. Other religions have different names for them. Basically, using Christian terminology, it is your angel and archangel that everyone has. They "guide" everyone's spirit on the way of incarnation towards the Earth and later on support you spiritually throughout your life.
There are also other hierarchies of spiritual beings in the spiritual (or astral) world.
The main part of your brain for spiritual connections is the pineal gland, which has been calcified over the years because of different impacts on us (pollution, food, pathogens, etc.). Orgone energy through using different devices is utilized to decalcify your pineal gland and reestablish connection.
Frequency generators are also used for that purpose.
So, the "Doctrine" is not a technology, but a technique that is used in a certain way. That is all. No magic here.